News API v1 legacy docs

This page is for v1 of the API. V1 will still be available for the foreseeable future.


Using News API is simple. There are only 2 endpoints:


Provides a list of live article metadata from a news source or blog (99% of the time this is the one you want!).

source (required) - The identifer for the news source or blog you want headlines from. Use the /sources endpoint to locate this or use the sources index.
apiKey (required) - Your API key. Alternatively you can provide this via the X-Api-Key HTTP header.
sortBy (optional) - Specify which type of list you want. The possible options are top, latest and popular. Note: not all options are available for all sources. Default: top.
top Requests a list of the source's headlines sorted in the order they appear on its homepage.
latest Requests a list of the source's headlines sorted in chronological order, newest first.
popular Requests a list of the source's current most popular or currently trending headlines.


status (string) - If the request was successful or not. Options: ok, error. In the case of error a code and message property will be populated.
source (string) - The identifier of the source requested.
sortBy (string) - Which type of article list is being returned. Options: top, latest, popular.
articles (array) The list of headline metadata requested.
author (string) - The author of the article.
description (string) - A description or preface for the article.
title (string) - The headline or title of the article.
url (string) - The direct URL to the content page of the article.
urlToImage (string) - The URL to a relevant image for the article.
publishedAt (string) - The best attempt at finding a date for the article, in UTC (+0).


Provides a list of the news sources and blogs available on News API. You will need this to programmatically locate the identifier for the source you want articles from when querying the /articles endpoint.

category (optional) - The category you would like to get sources for.
Possible options: .
Default: empty (all sources returned)
language (optional) - The 2-letter ISO-639-1 code of the language you would like to get sources for.
Possible options: .
Default: empty (all sources returned)
country (optional) - The 2-letter ISO 3166-1 code of the country you would like to get sources for.
Possible options: .
Default: empty (all sources returned)


status (string) - If the request was successful or not. Options: ok, error. In the case of error a code and message property will be populated.
sources (array) - A list of the news sources and blogs available on News API.
id (string) - The unique identifier for the news source. This is needed when querying the /articles endpoint to retrieve article metadata.
name (string) - The display-friendly name of the news source.
description (string) - A brief description of the news source and what area they specialize in.
url (string) - The base URL or homepage of the source.
category (string) - The topic category that the source focuses on.
Possible options:
language (string) - The 2-letter ISO-639-1 code for the language that the source is written in.
Possible options:
country (string) - The 2-letter ISO 3166-1 code of the country that the source mainly focuses on.
Available options:
urlsToLogos (deprecated) (object) - An object containing URLs to the source's logo. The logo is available in three sizes - small, medium and large.
small The URL to a small (width 200px) image of the source's logo.
medium The URL to a medium (width 400px) image of the source's logo.
large The URL to a large (width 600px) image of the source's logo.
sortBysAvailable (array) - The available headline lists for the news source. The possible options are top, latest and popular.
top Indicates this source can return a list of headlines sorted in the order they appear on the source' homepage.
latest Indicates this source can return a list of headlines sorted in chronological order, newest first.
popular Indicates this source can return a list of its current most popular headlines.